“Arel Circuiti Stampati is a point of reference in the printed circuit board sector, thanks to the services offered and its long know-how”

Since its inception, Arel Circuiti Stampati has been involved in the creation of any type of master for printed circuits.
From the wiring diagram to the engineering of the layout, up to the creation of libraries on specific customer indications (with creation of the components list), from the compilation of the complete documentation with generation of source files and gerber files up to the generation of the 3D file of the finished board, we are able to create masters in all their aspects.
In addition, we offer services of:
- Reverse-Engineering (master reconstruction from gerber file with the possibility of modifications)
- Master regeneration (starting with master designs made with ribbons, from printed circuits also mounted or from masters executed with other programs.

Always avant-garde from a technological point of view, Arel Circuiti Stampati offers its customers laser-cut sheets and silk-screen frames, manufactured with an internal machine of the latest generation. The incision is made with new concept fiber lasers, with an accuracy of + - 3 um, while the thicknesses with which the sheets can be made are between 80 um and 1000 um. Thanks to the use of these new lasers, in addition to having the certainty of 100% of the cutting of the openings, our delivery time has been reduced to 24/48 h.
Arel is therefore able to achieve:
- SMD stencil
- SMD stencil glue point
- Screen printing frames